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  • Post Date:

    Mar 05,2025
  • Expiry Date:

    Sep 01,2025
  • Detailed Description:

    Cas No. :37288-11-2 Sunzyme is a series of compound enzyme products containing various enzymatic activities of xylanase, glucanase, amylase, pectinase, cellulose, protease etc which are formulated to meet needs of various animals and feed types.

    Product design

    1\ Plant-origin feed ingredients are rich in non-starch polysaccharides (NSP), which negatively affect the utilization of nutrients, and animal performance mainly via: NSP of cell wall blocks digestive enzymes to act on nutrients within the cells;
    Water-soluble NSP increases viscosity of digesta, slows down the digestion process;
    NSP increases intestinal secretion of water, proteins, and electrolytes;
    More undigested passes to hindgut which increases the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in hindgut.

    The negative effects of NSP lead to the decrease in digestion, absorption, and utilization of nutrients, and poor performance of animals. Supplementation of well-designed Sunzyme can help overcome NSP's anti-nutritional effects, increase the utilization of nutrients, and improve animal performance. l

    Young animals are unable to secret enough digestive enzymes such as amylase, protease and lipase for the digestion of feedstuffs. Thus the supplemental Sunzyme compensates the lack of secretion of digestive enzymes in young animals to improve their health and performance.

    Economic benefits

      Increase weight gain, egg production and feed efficiency. Reduces ingredient variation, resulting in better animal uniformity Opportunities to reduce feed cost, whilst maintaining bird performance Reduces digestive disorders, leading to improved litter quality Reduces faecal volume and nitrogen excretion
    Sunzymes and recommendations
    Targeted animals/feed types Number Form Enzyme combinations Dosage g/MT
    Pig HY102 powder Xylanase, glucanase 200
    Piglet ST1000 powder Protease,amylase,xylanase 1000
    Broiler HY202 powder Xylanase, glucanase, mannose 200
    Layer HY302 powder Xylanase, glucanase 200
    Wheat type HY712 powder Xylanase, glucanase 200
    Ruminant HY502 powder Xylanase, glucanase, cellulase 200
    Aqua HY602 powder Xylanase, glucanase 200
  • CAS Registry Number:

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