Primobolan Depot 100 mg/ML Semi-finished Oil Injections
Post Date:
Jan 18,2018
Expiry Date:
Jul 17,2018
Detailed Description:
Recipe for Homebrew Primobolone 100 mg/ml
250ml Methenolone enanthate @100mg/ml recipe:
25 grams Methenolone enanthate powder
176.25 ml Grapeseed Oil
5ml benzyl alcohol = 2%
50ml benzyl benzoate = 20%
After you filtrate by 0.22 micron filters, it is finished injeactables.
" To Obtain A Faster And More Enhanced Effect."
In addition, it is most popular for male bodybuilders to stack Methenolone acetate with other (generally stronger) steroids in order to obtain a faster and more enhanced effect. During a dieting or cutting phase, a non-aromatizing androgen like Fluoxymesterone or trenbolone can be added. The strong androgenic component should help to bring about an added density and hardness to the muscles. On the other hand (or in addition) we could add Winstrol, another mild anabolic steroid. The result of this combination should again be a notable increase of muscle mass and hardness, but in this case the gain should not be accompanied by greatly increased side effects. As mentioned earlier, Methenolone enanthate is also used effectively during bulking phases of training. The addition of testosterone, Dianabol or Oxymetholone 50 would prove quite effective for adding new muscle mass. Of course we would have to deal with estrogenic side effects, but in such cases Methenolone acetate should allow the user to take a much lower dosage of the more “toxic” drug and still receive acceptable results.
Wuhan Lianshangwang Technology Co.,LTD
[ China ]