Sarms YK11 Steroid Powder Supplier
Post Date:
Jun 26,2018
Expiry Date:
Dec 23,2018
Detailed Description:
Sarms YK11 Steroid Powder Supplier
YK11 shows a lot of promise as an apt anabolic SARM. With the muscle growth potential it brings, it’s as effective as anabolic steroids and prohormones without the unwanted side effects connected to the latter.
SARM YK-11 is a powerful SARM supplement promoting massive lean muscle gains which is a great benefit for those wanting to have an aesthetic and shredded physique! Check out the newest and most popular YK-11 based product by Focused Nutrition. It is absolutely KILLING IT in the SARM world.
How YK11 Works
In 2011, Yuichiro Kanno of Toho University published the results of an initial study on YK11, confirming that the rare compound was a SARM.
YK11 attaches itself to the AR (androgen receptor), but only inducts methods that lead to the traditional side effects of androgens such as growth of body hair and prostate and enhanced aggression - to a restricted degree.
Most SARMS have quite limited androgenic side effects, but frequently only quite few anabolic effects when likened to testosterone. But, this doesn’t occur for YK11 as reported in Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin in 2013.
Kanno tested C2C12 muscle cells and not lab animals or humans. It has been discovered that muscle cells produce more anabolic factors if exposed to 500 nmol (nanomoles) YK11 than if you expose the same muscle cells to 500 nmol DHT.
YK11 induces muscle cells to make more follistatin (more than DHT does) - a strong myostatin inhibitor. YK11 works through the androgen receptor.
With that said, YK11 can be as good as testosterone in terms of muscle strengthening, but minus the detrimental side effects.
SARMS or selective androgen receptor modulators are well-known for giving the same muscle growth results as anabolic steroids but without the negative side effects that comes with the latter. Japanese scientists are doing an experiment on a new SARM known as YK11 which is said to be the strongest amongst all, even more potent than classic steroids such as DHT. YK11 is believed to be a SARM and produce the effect of myostatin at the same time.
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Hubei Yuancheng Saichuang technology Co.1td
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