[Molecular formula]: C6H8N2
[olecular weight]: 108.14
Grade | Flake Purified | Nubby Purified | Nubby Industrial | Powder purified | Powder industrial |
Appearance : | White | White | White grey | White | White |
Melting point:(°C) | 138.5 | 138.5 | 138 | 138.5 | 138 |
Content:(%) | 99.9 | 99.9 | 99 | 99.9 | 99 |
[Use]: p-Phenylenediamine : As an important dyestuff intermediate, it is used for Azodyes and Sulphurdyes production, and as fur black D, fur blue and black DB,rubber antioxidant, gasoline polymerization inhibitor and raw material for developer. It is widely adopted in frontier technology in the world.