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Others Suppliers List

  • Tiger chemical company   [Australia]

    79 Munster Terrace, North Melbourne, 3051 Australia

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  • Chemko, a.s.   [Other Regions]

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  • TECHNO PHRAMCHEM      [India]

    We are pleased to present the latest edition of our Product List. Our product range consists of Laboratory Chemicals & Reagents, Biochemicals, Biological Stains, Concentrated Volumetric Solutio...
    101-A, Deep Enclave, Pocket - D, Ashok Vihar, Phase - III, Delhi - 110052 (INDIA)

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  • Taiwan Hopax Chemicals      [China]

    This company was established in 1975 with a capital investment of 2 million NTD, at first it mainly produced papermaking chemicals, after the continual research and development of new produ...
    No.28, Hua Dong Road, Daliao, Kaohsiung 83162, Taiwan

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  • Altair Partners, LP      [United States]

    Altair Partners, LP, formed in 1991, is led by a team of professionals that share over 70 years of experience in international trade, marketing and distribution. Established as an importer ...
    343 Millburn Ave. Millburn, NJ 07041

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  • Ibis Chemie International      [India]

    IBIS CHEMIE INTERNATIONAL 211 Dalamal Chambers,New Marine Lines,Mumbai 400020.IndiaTel 9122-22001993/22093813.Fax 9122-22088450.email ibischemie@satyam.net.in Website www.ibischemie.com We wo...
    211 Dalamal Chambers,New Marine Lines,Mumbai 400020.India

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  • Toronto Research Chemicals Inc.      [Canada]

    Toronto Research Chemicals Inc. (TRC) is a world leader in the manufacture of complex organic chemicals for biomedical research. We supply products world-wide to a client base including maj...
    2 Brisbane Rd., North York, On.Canada

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  • Daebong Incheon factory      [Turkey]

    Established in 1980, it has been engaged in producing of various raw materials for the cold permanent wave, cosmetics, food additives and pharmaceuticals. The firm consists of two divisions i...
    692-8, Kojan-dong, Namdong-ku, Incheon, KOREA

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