Home > Global Suppliers > Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers > Acid, ester and anhydride compounds Suppliers

Acid, ester and anhydride compounds Suppliers List

  • Umalaxmi Organics Pvt. Ltd   [India]

    701-702, Siddhartha complex, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390 007., (Gujarat) INDIA, ,

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    We are an American company in Asia doing energy, checmical business. We have strong concection with the world supplier and quality assurance. We also manage the import and export ...
    Flat1801A,18/F.,On Hong Commercial Bldg,145 Hennessy Road,WanChai,Hong Kong, Hong Kong,

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  • Unipex Solutions Canada is   [Canada]

    Unipex Solutions Canada is Group Unipex’business unit which markets active ingredients, specialty chemicals, industrial commodities and services in Canada and the Northeast United States...
    1570 rue Ampère, Suite 106 Boucherville (Quebec) Canada J4B 7L4, ,

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  • Union Petrochemical Public Company Limited   [Thailand]

    728 Union House Building,Baromratchonnani Rd.,Bangbumru, Bangplad,Bangkok 10700, Bangkok,

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  • Uhde India   [India]

    Uhde HouseLBS MargVikhroli (W), Mumbai 400 083India, ,

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  • TIB CHEMICALS   [China]

    We specialise in the production of Basic Chemicals, Inorganic Specialty Chemicals and Coating Systems. Within these units, we develop a wide range of products that fulfil nearly all the req...
    Mülheimer strasse, MANNHEIM, Bade-Wurtemberg

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  • TCI-US   [United States]

    TCI is a leading global manufacturer of fine chemicals for research and commerce. We manufacture more than 22,000 organic laboratory chemicals using our own original techniques. Many of these c...
    9211 N. Harborgate Street, Portland, OR 97203, U.S.A, Portland, OR

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  • TRANS WORLD CHEMICALS, INC.   [United States]

    Trans World Chemicals, Inc. was incorporated in 1974 by a group of PhD chemists who envisioned a company that would supply researchers with a unique line of chemical products not offered by...
    14674 Southlawn Lane Rockville MD 20850, Lane Rockville, MD

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