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- Auxiliaries and miscellaneous medicinal chemicals
- Antineoplastics agents
- Electrolyte balance and dialysis agents
- Immunomodulator
- Antiparasitics and antispirochete agents
- Gastrointestinal agents
- Biochemicals and biotech products
- Central nervous system depressants and stimulants
- Antibiotic and antimicrobial agents
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- Disinfector and preservative
- Vitamin, amino acids and coenzymes
- Antianaphylaxis(antihistamines) and antidotes
- Autonomic nervous system depressants and stimulants
- Blood system agents
- Dermatological agents
- Herbal Plant Extract
- Hormones and synthetic substitutes
- Others
- Respiratory system agents
- Urinary system agents
- Electrolyte balance And dialysis agents
Pharmaceuticals Suppliers List
Zdorovye Pharmaceutical Company
[Other Regions]
22 Shevchenko Str., Kharkov, 61013, Ukraine
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
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