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Polymers Suppliers List

  • Guangxi Research Institute of Chemical Industr...   [China]

    We are a leading research organization of chemical industry in Guangxi Chuang autonomous region in China. We are a medium-sized state-owned enterprise with 450 employees established in 1958...
    7 Bei Er Li, Wangzhou Road, Nanning, Guangxi, China

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  • Changzhou United Chemical Co., Ltd.   [China]

    Changzhou United Chemical Co.,Ltd is a comprehensive company of manufacturing and trading in chemical intermediates. We are specialized in the field of doing Pharmaceutical, Pesticide, Dyes...
    5/F B Flat, XingBei Building NO. 391 Tongjiang road Changzhou Jiangsu China

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  • Zhejiang Huanxin Fluoro Material Co., Ltd.   [China]

    Zhejiang Huanxin Fluoro Material Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturing operation specializing in fluorosiloxane materials, specialty fluorochemicals and low GWP products. Based on our propri...
    Yanggongwan, Huajie Town, Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province, China

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    Sun Rise Chemical was founded in June 1975 with a vision of providing total solution regarding brightening and whitening in paper and textile industries. By focusing on the production on optica...
    3F., No.43, Ln. 188, Ruiguang Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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    “The RAN group of companies is engaged in the manufacturing of speciality polymers and resins since 1987. Our products find applications in textile, paper & powder paint industry and other i...
    Ranka Bhawan,110,Dhantoli,

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  • Zeon Chemicals Europe Limited   [United Kingdom]

    Zeon and its affiliates appreciate that you as our customers and partners have taken this opportunity to communicate with us.At our European Headquarters in Düsseldorf and our regional sal...
    40547 Düsseldorf

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  • Yiima Techonlogy CO., Ltd   [Taiwan]

    , ,

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  • Young Corporation   [Korea]

    3,4th Floor,youngjoo bldg ,242-8 Yangjae-dong,seocho-gu,seoul,korea, ,

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