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Synthetic Rubber Suppliers List

  • CP/Phibrochem, Div., Philipp Brothers Chemical...   [Other Regions]

    1 Parker Plaza

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  • Dow in Australia   [Australia]

    The Dow office in Frenchs Forest, in the suburbs of Sydney, is a Business/Administration Center for Dow Pacific. The office also houses some Pacific Area functions including Controllers and Inf...
    Level 5, 20 Rodborough Road Frenchs Forest, New South Wales 2086

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  • O-Kong Corporation   [South Korea]

    621-7 Namchon-dong, Namdong-gu, Inchon-city,405-100, KOREA

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    370-82, Shinpyung-dong, Saha-ku, Pusan, Korea (Zip Code : 604-030), KOREA

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  • Chemfab Corporation   [United States]

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  • ROMTEC COMPANY   [Other Regions]

    Str. Armeana 22, 6600 Iasi, Romania, Romania

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  • Sika Australia   [Australia]

        Sika is a global company with a total of around 80 production and marketing companies in over 60 countries. Sika is active in the field of speciality chemicals dividing ...
    Sika Australia 55 Elizabeth Street Wetherill Park NSW 2164

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  • qenos   [Australia]

        Qenos is the cornerstone of Australia's plastics and rubber industry. Our products are a part of every day life - the raw materials used in thousands of household, consu...
    ABN 62 054 196 771 Cnr Kororoit Creek Road & Maidstone Altona Victoria 3018 Australia

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