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India Dyestuffs and Pigments Suppliers List

  • DBS Chemicals   [India]

        DBS Chemicals is engaged in the manufacture of Dyes Intermediates and has been in operation since 1982. The effort and emphasis of the DBS Chemicals is to ensure consist...

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    Omkar Chemicals was founded in 1980 by Mr. P.S Herlekar, himself a B-Tech chemical engineer from IIT Bombay, with a objective to develop speciality reagents required for pharmaceutical indu...
    W92 - (A), M.I.D.C Mankivili, Badlapur(E), Dist-Thane, Maharashtra, Pin Code : 421503, India

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  • Advaitya Dye Chem      [India]

    The promoters Mr.Babubhai G. Patel, Mr. Ashokbhai M. Patel, Dahyabhai M. Patel & Bharatbhai D. Patel, established in 1987 first well equipped plant,M/S A BAD CHEMICALS, manufacturing PIGMEN...
    7, Swagat Complex, 2nd Floor, Pushpkunj, Kankaria,Maninagar, Ahmedabad - 380 008., Gujarat, India.

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  • Alpanil Industries   [India]

        A duo of two young chemical engineers from Gujarat state, Mr. Jayanti Patel and Mr. Ashish Soparkar, envisioned a project in 1976 to manufacture world-class Organic Pigm...
    81-82, GIDC Phase II, Vatva industrial estae,Ahmedabad 382445.India

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  • Ashish Sulphur Dyes Pvt. Ltd.   [India]

    213, Laxmi Plaza Laxmi Industrial Estate New Link Road Andheri (West)Mumbai 400053.

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  • Asim Products      [India]

    Asim Products is a manufacturer and exporter of food colour and food dyes. In 1976, Asim Products embarked into the world of Food Colour. The organization offers a wide range of permissible syn...
    Unit no. 223, Adhyaru Industrial Estate, IInd Floor, Sun Mill Compound, Sitaram Jadhav Marg, Lower Parel (W) Mumbai-400 013, Maharashtra,India

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  • Associated Dyestuff Industries   [India]

    8-9, G.I.D.C. Ind. Estate,Pirana Road, Behrampura,Ahmedabad - 380 022 Gujarat, INDIA.

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  • Choksi Pigments   [India]

    402, Saffron, Near Panchwati 1st Lane,Ambawadi,Ahmedabad - 380 006 INDIA

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