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India Intermediates Suppliers List

  • Varahi International   [India]

    Near Old Ruby Coach & Rly. Crossing, N.H. NO. 8, Naroda,Ahmedabad-382 325, Gujarat, INDIA

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  • Vaikunth Chemicals (Pvt.) Ltd.   [India]

    408/4 &5, G.I.D.C. Estate,Near Fire Station,Panoli-394 116, Tal. Ankleshwar,Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat, India

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  • Orion Chem Pvt Ltd      [India]

    Orion Chem Private Limited is a Private Limited Company managed by two full time directors, Mr. Rajrattan Mohatta and Mrs. Rashmi Mohatta. The Company was established in the year 1989 and i...
    Millennium Business Park Sector - III, Building III Gala # 2, MahapeNavi Mumbai 400 709, India

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  • Yasham Chemphar Pvt. Ltd.   [India]

        Philosophy     Building partnerships by providing the best quality products from reliable sources at a competitive price.     ...
    1A, Nityanand Sadan, Bhardawadi, Near Navarang cinema, Andheri (W) Mumbai.

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  • Rohan Dyes & intermediates ltd   [India]

    Rohan Dyes and Intermediates Ltd. (RDIL) was founded in the year 1989. Rohan is presently manufacturing & exporting dyes and dye intermediates with a turnover of 100 Mn. US$ for the financial y...
    123, GIDC, Phase-1, Vatva, Ahmedabad - 382 445. Gujarat, INDIA

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  • Tranglobe India   [India]

    102, Doyen Chambers ,Behind Saradhi studio, Ameerpet,Hyderabad - 500 073

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  • Sunrise Chemicals   [India]


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  • Dragon Drugs Pvt. Ltd.   [India]

    196/198 Samuel Street, 35, New Bhagwan Bhuvan, Mumbai - 400009.(India)

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