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India Dyestuff intermediates Suppliers List

  • Shyamal Intermediates Ltd      [India]

    Shyamal Intermediates Ltd. was founded in 1990, as a result of the progressive vision and business insight of Mr. Jitendra Patel (Managing Director) & Mr. Subhash Patel (Jt. Managing Direct...
    Fact & Regd Office A-2/349, Phase II,G.I.D.C Estate, Vatva Ahmedabad - 382 445

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    THYKN (INDIA) INTERNATIONAL, a Group Company of SYMBIOTEC PHARMALAB PVT. LTD, is an ISO 9001-2000 Certified customer oriented organisation. The company was established with a purpose of enh...
    202, Kuntal, Mody Estate, Nr.Pipeline, LBS Road, Ghatkopar (West), Mumbai - 400086, India

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