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India Aldehyde and ketone compounds Suppliers List

  • Qingyuan Fine Zinc Oxide   [India]

    No.120, Old No.38 Cathedral Road,Chennai

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  • LEO OVERSEAS      [India]

    LEO has come a long way since its inception in the year 1998 to be recognized as a strong player in the field of pharmaceuticals and aromatic chemicals, as a result of its combined strength in ...
    402-403 swastik chambers, cst road, chembur, mumbai [bombay]

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  • Ram-Nath      [India]

    We are serving the South Indian Market since 1943 and have leadership position. We sell a wide range of products into diverse industry segments
    No.120, Old No.38 Cathedral Road,Chennai - 600 086

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  • Amoli Organics Ltd.,      [India]

    Amoli Organics Ltd., is a member of Amoli Group of Companies founded by MR.UMED DOSHI 40 years ago. The group is engaged in the manufacturing and marketing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients ...
    407 Dalamal House, J.B.Road, Nariman Point, Mumbai-21, India

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  • Camphor & Allied Products Ltd.      [India]

    We are India's leading producer of variety of fine chemicals based on Turpentine and also the single largest in the world for Synthetic Camphor having manufacturing facility 250 km East of ...
    Jehangir Building, 133 M G Road | Mumbai 400001 | India

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  • Suven pharmaceutical ltd      [India]

    Promoted by Mrs. and Mr. Venkat Jasti in 1989, as a Private Limited Company Converted into a Public Limited Company in January 1995. Shares listed at Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)...
    Serene Chambers,Road # 7, Banjara Hills,Hyderabad-500 034, A.P., INDIA

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  • BASR Fine Chemicals Private Limited      [India]

    BASR Fine Chem, an ISO 9001 : 2000 company, a subsidiary of Saichem Inc, USA is located at Hyderabad, a pharmaceutical industrial capital of India.We have modern laboratories equipped with ...
    D-122,Phase-III, IDA Jeedimetla,Hyderabad-500 055 INDIA.

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  • Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd.      [India]

    Thirumalai Chemicals Ltd. is a publicly owned company with shares traded in the stock market in India. TCL manufactures and markets organic acids, anhydrides and derivatives for the plastic...
    101, Sion-Matunga Estate, S.No.6,Mumbai 400 022, India

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