India Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers List
Vav Life Sciences pvt.Ltd
Established in 2002 VAV Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. is a part of the 25-year-old KEDIACHEM group. VAV Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd. was established in order to develop and cater to the overseas marke...
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51/B, Mittal Court, 224 Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021, India
AICO Group of Companies
A dynamic organization, AICO Group of Companies is the prime source for both selling and sourcing of chemicals products in India . We also encompass an impressive roster of international cl...
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75, New Cloth Market, Outside Raipur Gate,
Bodal Chemicals Ltd.
Bodal Chemicals, formerly known as J K Pharma incorporated in 1989, is a leader in Dye & Dye Intermediates. The quest began with two enterprising young men Mr. Suresh Patel and Mr. Ramesh Patel...
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Plot No. 123-124, Phase - IG.I.D.C., VatvaAhmedabad-382 445Gujarat, India
Encore Natural Polymers Private Limited
Encore natural polymers private limited had its beginnings in 1958 when INDIAN GUM INDUSTRIES LTD also known as IGI was set up in Financial and Technical collaboration between Merchant Family &...
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227/233 G.I.D.C Estate, Naroda,Ahmedabad - 382330. Gujarat, India
Begining with manufacturing guar Gum in 1968, Sarda Gums & Chemicals has now become house of Gum specialties. With various plant derived gums, we are truly hydrocolloid people serving food, fee...
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2nd floor,Gopaldas mantra marg,Vithalwadi,Kalbadevi RoadMumbai-400002,INDIA
EMCO DYESTUFF P.LTD 6, Surbhi Apt.,Near HDFC Bank Ltd Mandpeshwar Rd.,Borivali (West),Maharashtra - 400 092, INDIA
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Gopinath Chemtech Limited, the flagship company of Gopinath group of industries was established in the year 1989 as a Pvt. Ltd., company and subsequently converted into a public limited company...
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A-514,Atma House,5th Floor Opp.R.B.I,Ashram Road,Ahmedabad-380009Gujarat,INDIA.
ZCL Chemicals Limited
About UsZCL Chemicals Ltd is an 100% Export Oriented Unit (EOU) that combines the power of science & technology. Established in 1991, the company head quarter is in Mumbai .The R&D Cen...
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Mumbai, MUMBAI, Maharashtra
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