ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Neuchatel
Phenyl Ethyl alcohol Inquire
CAS NO:60-12-8;1321-27-3;   MF:C8H10O
4-Chloro resorcinol Inquire
CAS NO:95-88-5;   MF:C6H5ClO2
Acetophenone Inquire
CAS NO:98-86-2;   MF:C8H8O
2-Hydroxy acetophenone Inquire
CAS NO:118-93-4;104809-67-8;   MF:C8H8O2
4-Hydroxy acetophenone Inquire
CAS NO:99-93-4;   MF:C8H8O2
4-Methyl acetophenone Inquire
CAS NO:122-00-9;   MF:C9H10O
4-Methoxy phenylacetic acid Inquire
CAS NO:104-01-8;   MF:C8H8O3
1-Naphthyl Methyl ketone Inquire
Thio Dipropionic acid Lauric ester Inquire
Thio Dipropionic acid Stearic ester Inquire
Thio Dipropionic acid Tridecyl ester Inquire
Indole-3-carbinol Inquire
CAS NO:700-06-1;   MF:C9H9NO
Di Indolyl Methane Inquire
Ninhydrin Inquire
CAS NO:485-47-2;   MF:C9H6O4
Blue Tetrazolium Chloride Inquire
CAS NO:1871-22-3;   MF:C40H32Cl3N8O2
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