Product description:
Product Name: Acetaldehyde
Trade Names , Synonyms: Ethanal
Chemical Characterization: CH3CHO
Properties: liquid at 20 C, melting point -123.5 C, boiling point 20.2 C, density (at 20 C ) 0.778 g/cm3
Production: catalytic conversation of Ethanol with air
Typical Form of product: pure, colourless liquid
Uses and Applications:
Acetaldehyde is a highly reactive compound and therefore an important intermediate in a large variety of chemical processes. For the most part of its production output, Acetaldehyde is used for the manufacture of Acetic Acid with Acetic Anhydride and peracetic Acid as accompanying products. Ethyl Acetate, an important solvent in the chemical industry, is another product from Acetaldehyde.
Acetaldehyde is also the starting material for the production of several aldehydes and alcohols, such as Crotonaldehyde, Butyraldehyde, Butanol, 2-Ethylhexanol, and 1.3-Butyleneglycol. Acrolein and particularly pentaerythritol are other valuable products from Acetaldehyde.
Other down-stream products from Acetaldehyde include Glyoxal, alkyl amines (Ethyl Amine), pyridines, alkyl pyridines and chlorinated or brominated Acetaldehyde compounds (Mono- , Di- , Trichioroacetaldehyde). The latter are used for insecticides , dye stufis and pharmaceuticals (e.g.Chloral ). Crotonyliden-di-Urea, a long term nitrogen fertilizer , is product from Acetaldehyde and Urea.
Paraldehyde and Metaldehyde are cyclic Acetaldehyde polymers , which are used as Acetaldehyde donor in chemical synthesis or in fuel tablets. |