Italy Others Suppliers List
UNIservice Italy
UNIservice Marine Products & Services has built a reputation for providing high-quality chemical products manufactured primarily for use in the shipping industry. Our marine products may be...
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Via S.N.S. della Guardia 58a 16162 Genoa Italy
Antibioticos Spa
Antibioticos, belonging to FIDIA FARMACEUTICI S.p.a. , is one of the world's largest producers of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics for human and animal use. The Antibioticos Group was...
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Strada Rivoltana Km 6/7, Rodano, MI
Toscochimica S.p.A.
Prato - Via Francesco De ,Sanctis, 62
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Labochim - Laboratorio Chimico Internazionale ...
Laboratorio Chimico Internazionale S.p.A. (Labochim), was founded in 1966 by the Cardoso family and it is engaged in the production of bulk APIs and Intermediates for the pharmaceutical, nu...
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Via Salvini, 10 Milan, 20122 Italy
General Filter Italia spa
Via S. Luca, 51 - 31038 Paese (Treviso) - ITALY
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Italcementi Group
Via G. Camozzi, 124 - 24121 Bergamo Italy
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Supercolori S.p.A.
Via Meucci 7 - 20014 Nerviano (MI) , Italia
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Chematek SpA
Headquartered on the outskirts of the Italian city of Milan, Chematek, founded by its present owner and managing director, has grown into a leading supplier of chemicals to the European che...
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Via Mantova, 2a 20020 Lainate Milan, Italy