Italy Intermediates Suppliers List
Via F.lli Wright, 18 - 20019 Settimo Milanese (Milano) - Italy, ,
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Akema Fine Chemicals
Via Puglie, 12 47853 Coriano (RN) Italy, ,
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Inalco S.p.A.
We believe that our development in the years to come should be supported by original research activities. This belief lies behind our decision to establish a Research Centre which is now in f...
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Inalco S.p.A. Via Calabiana,1820139 Milano Italy
Antibioticos Spa
Antibioticos, belonging to FIDIA FARMACEUTICI S.p.a. , is one of the world's largest producers of penicillin and cephalosporin antibiotics for human and animal use. The Antibioticos Group was...
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Strada Rivoltana Km 6/7, Rodano, MI
INFA, since its start fifty years ago, has distinguished itself by offering first class products and services, building up a tradition of reliability, trustworthiness, and mutually beneficial l...
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Via Salvini 10, 20122 Milan (Italy)
Mediolanum farmaceutici S.p.A.
Via S.G. Cottolengo, 15 -20143 Milan- Italy
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Resins and Allied Products
Company Established : Resins and Allied Products was set up in 1998 as a manufacturer of Drug Intermediate and Speciality Chemicals. &nb...
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T-36, MIDC, Tarapur, Boisar-401 506, Dist.: Thane (W. Rly.), Maharashtra, INDIA
Chemi SpA
CHEMI抯 mission is搕o produce for, which means that we are a chemical company at the service of other companies, primarily in the pharmaceutical area. Ours is a missio...
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via dei Lavoratori, 54 20092 Cinisello Balsamo (MI) - Italy
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- Shanghai UVTech Inc.
- Inner Mongolia Upkind Che...
- Dongming Tongsheng Chemic...
- Gansu Taixinlong New Mate...
- Hunan Gofar Chemical Indu...
- Liaoning Xufeng Fine Chem...
- Taizhou Lodestar Pharma C...
- IMD(Fujian) Pharmaceutica...
- Tianjin Fairtrade Biophar...
- Suzhou Senfeida Chemical ...
- Jinta Yudi Pharmaceutical...
- Shanghai FWD Chemicals Li...
- Shandong Hongyang Chemica...
- Hebei Zhengda Chemical Te...
- Shanghai Tejin Supply Cha...
- Henan Yisenyuan Biotechno...
- Hongrui fine chemical co....
- Zhejiang Xingxiu Chemical...
Top Products
- Sodium hydroxide
- Acetic Acid
- Citric acid
- Calcium Carbonate
- Acetone
- Sulphuric Acid
- Phosphoric acid
- Zinc Oxide
- Glycerin
- Ethyl Acetate
- Methanol
- Potassium hydroxide
- Hydrogenperoxide
- Calcium Chloride
- Sodium Bicarbonate
- Ascorbic Acid
- Isopropyl Alcohol
- Hydrochloric acid