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Italy Metals and Minerals Suppliers List
Petrobras Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.
Avenida Republica do Chile, 65 - 24 Andar, Rio de Janeiro (RJ)
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Societa Italiana Acetilene & Derivati S.p.A.
92 via San Bernardino, Bergamo
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Sapio S.r.l.
48 via Silvio Pellico, Monza
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Biochim S.r.l.
Via Volturno, 27, Quinto Stampi di Rozzano (MI)
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Anonima Petroli Italiana S.p.A. - API
6 Corso, D'Italia, Roma
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Via F. Postiglione, 8,
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Air Liquide Italia S.r.l.
69 via Capecelatro, Milano
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Acque Albule S.p.A.
via Nicodemi 7, Bagni di Tivoli (RM)
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Total 8 Suppliers,Showing1--8
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Top Products
- Caustic Soda Flakes
- Hydrochloric acid
- Calcium Carbonate
- Sulfuric acid
- Titanium(IV) oxide
- Orthophosphoric acid
- Zinc Oxide
- Potassium hydroxide
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Calcium Chloride
- Ammonium Chloride
- Aluminum ingot
- Copper Sulfate
- Sodium sulfate
- Aluminum Sulfate
- Nitric acid
- Magnesium Sulfate
- Carbon
- Potassium Carbonate