Home > Global Suppliers > Italy Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers

Italy Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers List

  • Vinci-Biochem   [Italy]

    Founded in 1999, Vinci-Biochem worked for over 15 years serving the Advanced Search, providing reagents selected from over seventy producers. Today Vinci-Biochem operates in Italy, Slovenia...
    Vinci-Biochem - Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10 50059 Vinci (Fi) Italia, Bagnolo, Bagnolo

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  • Vevy Europe SpA   [Italy]

    Via Semeria 18, 16131 Genova, Italy, Genova, Genova

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  • Tecno Sintesi D.B.M. S.R.L.   [Italy]

    Distribution, of chemicals, petrochemicals, additives, Intermediates.Agencies for the sale of chemicals and technologies.Marketing and procurement studies for chemicals and petrochemicals.
    Via Don Luigi Palazzolo, 16 - 24122 Bergamo Italy

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  • Sintofarm Spa   [Italy]

    via togliatti nr. 5 GUASTALLA (R.E), 42016, Italy, ,

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  • SPIGA NORD SPA   [Italy]

    VIA PONTEVECCHIO 55 16042 CARASCO - GENOVA - ITALY VAT Nr. IT 00 54 42 10 107, ,

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  • S.I.M.S srl   [Italy]

    Via Dante Da Castiglione ,850125 Floronce, ,

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  • SO.G.I.S. Industria Chimica S.p.A.   [Italy]

    We are part of an environment experiencing a crucial need to learn taking care of ecosystems, in order to transmit them to future generations without damages. A task requiring technologies ...
    132, V. Giuseppina 26048 SOSPIRO (CR), Italy

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  • Syntel S.R.L.   [Italy]

    Via Bonazzi, 36 - 40013 Castel Maggiore (Bologna), ,

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