- Others
- Vitamin, amino acids and coenzymes
- Antibiotic and antimicrobial agents
- Autonomic nervous system depressants and stimulants
- Biochemicals and biotech products
- Blood system agents
- Cardiovascular agents
- Gastrointestinal agents
- Urinary system agents
- Antineoplastics agents
- Central nervous system depressants and stimulants
- Hormones and synthetic substitutes
- Dermatological agents
- Antianaphylaxis(antihistamines) and antidotes
- Immunomodulator
Italy Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals Suppliers List
Founded in 1999, Vinci-Biochem worked for over 15 years serving the Advanced Search, providing reagents selected from over seventy producers. Today Vinci-Biochem operates in Italy, Slovenia...
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Vinci-Biochem - Via Ponte di Bagnolo, 10 50059 Vinci (Fi) Italia, Bagnolo, Bagnolo
Vevy Europe SpA
Via Semeria 18, 16131 Genova, Italy, Genova, Genova
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Tecno Sintesi D.B.M. S.R.L.
Distribution, of chemicals, petrochemicals, additives, Intermediates.Agencies for the sale of chemicals and technologies.Marketing and procurement studies for chemicals and petrochemicals.
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Via Don Luigi Palazzolo, 16 - 24122 Bergamo Italy
Sinerga Srl,
Via Pitagora 11, 20016 Pero Milano, Italy, Pero Milano, Pero Milano
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Sintofarm Spa
via togliatti nr. 5 GUASTALLA (R.E), 42016, Italy, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Saras S.p.A.
S.S. Sulcitana n.195 - Km. 19 09018 - Sarroch (CA), ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
SPECHEM Speciality Chemicals
Via Tezze, 1/A 24020 Ranica (BG) Italy, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
S.I.M.S srl
Via Dante Da Castiglione ,850125 Floronce, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
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