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> Italy Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals Suppliers
- Others
- Vitamin, amino acids and coenzymes
- Antibiotic and antimicrobial agents
- Autonomic nervous system depressants and stimulants
- Biochemicals and biotech products
- Blood system agents
- Cardiovascular agents
- Gastrointestinal agents
- Urinary system agents
- Antineoplastics agents
- Central nervous system depressants and stimulants
- Hormones and synthetic substitutes
- Dermatological agents
- Antianaphylaxis(antihistamines) and antidotes
- Immunomodulator
Italy Pharmaceuticals and Biochemicals Suppliers List
Strada privata da via G. Leopardi, 51 59015 - Comeana (PO) Italy, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Cesalpinia Chemicals SpA
A Company of Lamberti Group, Via Marsala 38/D, 21013 Gallarte VA, Italy, Gallarte, VA
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
ChemateK S.p.A., Via Mantova, 2a, 20020 Lainate (MI), Italy, Via Mantova, 2a
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Chemical Research 2000 S.R.L.
Via Santa Margherita di Belice, 16-18, 00133 Roma, Italy, ,
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Biopharma S.R.L.
Via delle Gerbere 20/22 S. Palomba Roma Italia, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Bioindustria L.I.M. S.p.A.
Via De Ambrosiis, 2-4 15067 - Novi Ligure (AL) Italy, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
Angelini Fine Chemicals
Via Guardapasso, 1 - 04011 Aprilia (Latina) Italy, Aprilia,
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Antibioticos S.P.A.
Strada Rivoltana Km. 6/7 Rodano, (Milano), 20090, Italy, ,
Products Catalog Suppliers profile
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