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Japan Inorganic chemicals Suppliers List

  • Kanto Corporation   [Japan]

        Kanto Corporation was established in Oregon in 1990 as a wholly owned subsidiary of Kanto Chemical Co., Inc., headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. Kanto established a U.S. pre...
    13424 North Woodrush Way Portland, Oregon 97203

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  • Shikoku Corp.   [Japan]

        Founded in 1947 as a chemical manufacturer, Shikoku Chemicals Corporation has developed a wide range of innovative technologies that enjoy an excellent reputation throug...
    8-537-1,Doki-cho Higashi, Marugame, Kagawa

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  • Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd   [Japan]

        For People, Society, and the World     Through creating new and useful technologies and products, Sumitomo Chemical continues to work toward improvi...
    Tokyo Sumitomo Twin Building (East), 27-1, Shinkawa 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8260, Japan

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    Isobe 7-10-10, Mihama-ku, Chiba, Japan 261-0012, JAPAN

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  • High-Tech Materials Shop   [Japan]

    5-18-301, Ainokawa 4-Chome, Ichikawa City, CHIBA 272-0143,.JAPAN3,

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  • Tokuyama Corp   [Japan]

    Since the company's inception in 1918, the history of Tokuyama has been one of challenge and innovation. This is the natural outcome of the company's refusal to be satisfied with past accomplis...

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  • Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd      [Japan]

    For People, Society, and the World Through creating new and useful technologies and products, Sumitomo Chemical continues to work toward improving living standards and alleviating the problems...
    (Tokyo) : Tokyo Sumitomo Twin Building (East), 27-1, Shinkawa 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8260 (Osaka) : Sumitomo Bulding, 5-33, Kitahama 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8550, Tel:6-6220-3272 / Fax:6-6220-3345

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  • Nissan Chemical Industries, Ltd   [Japan]

    牋牋We have aimed at growth by challenging development of new technology boldly since establishment, reforming the contents of business fields greatly. In the economy and technology changing ...
    7-1, Kanda Nishiki-cho 3 chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0054

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