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Japan Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers List


        Our corporate philosophy is reliability. It means the reliability between enterprise and its stakeholders (as represented by customers, stockholders, employees and socie...
    2-3 Kita-Aoyama 1-Chome Minato-Ku 107-8636, Tokyo 107-8636 JAPAN

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  • Tokuyama Corp   [Japan]

    Since the company's inception in 1918, the history of Tokuyama has been one of challenge and innovation. This is the natural outcome of the company's refusal to be satisfied with past accomplis...

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  • OuchiShinko Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd   [Japan]

    7-4, Nihonbashikobuna-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

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    Kawasaki Kasei Chemicals Ltd.. The Group's principal activity is the manufacture of organic chemicals. The Group operates through the following divisions: Chemicals and Others. Chemicals includ...

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  • Kimica Corp.      [Japan]

    牋牋Kimica corporation (Kimica) is a manufacturer and world-wide supplier of ?¡ãalginate?¡ã,(alginic acid and its derivatives), which is a natural polysaccharide. Alginates are extracted from...
    2-15-4 Uchikanda,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo

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  • Lion Corp   [Japan]

    3-7, Honjo 1-chome, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-8644

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  • Kao Corp   [Japan]

        Manufacture, marketing and sale of consumer products i.e. soap, detergent, shampoo; prestige cosmetics and chemical products. Provision of services related to these prod...
    1-3, Buka2-chome,Sumida-ku,Tokyo, 131-8501

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  • Sumitomo Chemical Co.,Ltd      [Japan]

    For People, Society, and the World Through creating new and useful technologies and products, Sumitomo Chemical continues to work toward improving living standards and alleviating the problems...
    (Tokyo) : Tokyo Sumitomo Twin Building (East), 27-1, Shinkawa 2-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-8260 (Osaka) : Sumitomo Bulding, 5-33, Kitahama 4-chome, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8550, Tel:6-6220-3272 / Fax:6-6220-3345

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