Home > Global Suppliers > Organic chemicals and Derivatives Suppliers > Japan Phenol compounds Suppliers

Japan Phenol compounds Suppliers List

  • Otsuka Chemical Co. Ltd.   [Japan]

    In the Research & Development Division of Otsuka Chemical Co., Ltd., our philosophy is to contribute to our customers through creative technology, with a focus on using world-class technolo...
    3-2-27 Otedori 3-2-27 Otedori Osaka, 540-0021 Japan, Osaka, Osaka

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  • Honshu Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.   [Japan]

    Yaesu-Daibiru Bldg.,1-1, Kyobashi 1-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 104-0031, Japan, ,

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  • Honshu Chemical Industry Co. Ltd.   [Japan]

    the Tokyo Chuo Ku capital bridge 1-1-1 eightfold state die/di building 2 F

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  • Inui Corporation        [Japan]

    We are in an era of dramatic transition. Our company, Inui Corporation has trod the path of development in parallel with the growth of the Japanese chemical industry. Entering a new century...
    2-5, 2-Chome, Doshomachi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0045 Japan

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Total 4 Suppliers,Showing1--4 1