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Other Regions Others Suppliers List

  • Teboil   [Other Regions]

    Oy Teboil Ab and Suomen Petrooli Oy are affiliated companies whose business concept is to be an efficient and dynamic oil company. The companies engages in the import, sale and distribution of ...

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  • CCM Chemicals Sdn. Bhd.   [Other Regions]

        CCM Chemicals (CCMC) has been established for over 70 years as a leading industrial and specialty chemicals company in Malaysia. The company has a strong reputation for ...
    Lot PT 200 Persiaran Selangor, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor

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  • StyroChem   [Other Regions]

        StyroChem Finland Oy is the leading northern European expandable polystyrene (EPS) producer which manufactures and markets a comprehensive range of EPS grades.  &n...

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  • Gehring-Montgomery, Inc.   [Other Regions]

    710 Louis Dr.Warminster, PA 18974

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  • Neste   [Other Regions]

    Neste is the market leader in its field in Finland. It markets and sells its oil products through its service stations and network of automated stations and also directly to consumers. Neste?s ...

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  • Borregaard        [Other Regions]

    Borregaard is the world's leading supplier of wood-based chemicals, and holds also strong positions within Ingredients, Fine Chemicals and Energy. Strong innovation efforts and Global prese...
    Borregaard, P.O. Box 162, NO-1701 Sarpsborg, Norway

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  • LOBA Feinchemie   [Other Regions]

        One third of the about 60 employees hold degrees in chemistry or are trained chemical scientists.     The product range covers 500 organic compounds...
    Fehrgasse 7, 2401 Fischamend, Austria

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  • Aurora Feinchemie   [Other Regions]

        牋牋The synthesis of speciality molecules杄specially new and unusual structures - from mg to kg scale. We offer more than 4500 compounds for R&D and 99% of them are ...
    Reininghausstrasse 49 Graz (Austria / Europe).

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