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South Korea Other Chemicals Suppliers List

  • INNO BIOSYSTEM   [South Korea]

    Seoul National Univsersity of Technology, Gongneung 2-dong, Nowon-gu Seoul Korea

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        Samyang was founded in 1924 by Kim Yeonsu, and currently comprises of eight business units; food, engineering plastics, specialty chemicals, pharmaceuticals, feed, indus...

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  • Kolon International Corportion   [South Korea]

        Since its establishment in 1954,KOLON INT'L CORPhas been making significant contributions to the development of Korea's export industry as a pioneering general trading c...
    Kolontower the second 1-22 Byulyang-dong Kwacheon-city,Kyunggi-do

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  • yongil metal   [South Korea]

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  • Cheong Am Metal Co., Ltd   [South Korea]

    87B 4L Namdong Industrial Complex, 677-1 Gojan-Dong, Namdong-Gu, zip 405-310, Inchon, Korea

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  • Bookwang metal   [South Korea]

    197-1, Wondong-Dong, Seo-Ku Inchun City, Korea

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  • Nano Chem-Tech Co.,Ltd   [South Korea]

    136-2, Jubuk-li, Yangji-myun, Yongin-city, Kyunggi-do, Korea, 449-822, South Korea

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  • Geointer Korea, Inc.   [South Korea]

        Our company was established by people who received their thorough and intensive training and international experience in multinational trading corporations in 1997. Most...
    Bok Chun Bldg 2F. 553-12 Sungnae 1Dong, Kangdong Gu, Seoul, Korea 134-031

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