ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > ASAN Pharmaceutical
R1 LQ T-BIL Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Excellent correlation with Michaelsson method. Good reproducibility, few influences of interfering substances. ssss
R1 LQ D-BIL Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Excellent correlation with Michaelsson method. Good reproducibility, few influences of interfering substances.ssss
R1 LQ Fe Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. High specificity and good reproducibilityssss
R1 LQ Ca Inquire
Improved reagent on the basis of OCPC method. Few influences of interfering substances(lactate, Mg etc). ssss
R1 LQ Pi Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. UV-End point method. ssss
R1 LQ GPT Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Excellent reagent stability. More linear than JSCC method. ssss
R1 LQ LDH Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Equal measurement of LDH Isozyme type High purity of raw materialsssss
R1 LQ ALP Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Improved reagent on the basis of JSCC method. Excellent reagent stability. High specificity of buffer solution(2-ethyl...ssss
LQ ALP R1 Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Improved reagent on the basis of IFCC method. Excellent reagent stability. ssss
R1 LQ r-GTP Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Improved reagent on the basis of SSCC method. High substrate solubility, long term reagent stability. ssss
R1 LQ AMY Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Excellent reagent stabilityssss
R1 LQ HDL-CHO Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Minimize influences of interfering substances. Compatible with almost automatic analyzer. ssss
R1 LQ T-CHO Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. COD, POD method on the basis of enzyme method. Good reproducibility and reagent stability. ssss
R1 LQ TG Inquire
Ready-to-use liquid type. Glycerol blanked method.(not inclusion free glycerol in serum) Excellent reagent stability.ssss
R1 LQ Mg Inquire
One step, convenient. Excellent color forming stability, good reproducibility. No interference by Ca, Fe, Cu ions.ssss
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