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Spain Inorganic chemicals Suppliers List

  • Amerizinc LLC   [Spain]

    P.O. Box 371 E33400 Aviles - Asturias Spain, ,

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  • AUXICOLOR S.A.   [Spain]

    Poligono Industrial Sta. Margarita, ,

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  • Azufrera Y Fertilizantes Pallares SA   [Spain]

    , ,

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  • chimet spa      [Spain]

    Chimet is a leader in both the recovery & refining of precious metals and the production of fine chemical products based on gold, silver, platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium.Its...

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  • Ercros Company   [Spain]

        Ercros was founded on 30 June 1989 for an indefinite period as the result of Uni髇 Explosivos R韔 Tinto, S.A. (ERT) being taken over by Sociedad An髇ima Cros. &nbs...
    Avda. Diagonal, 595, 10 pl,08014 Barcelona

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  • Derivados del Fluor SA   [Spain]

    Castro-Urdiales Cantabria

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  • S.A. Polialco   [Spain]

    Passeig Sant Joan 13 08010 Barcelona, Spain

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  • Panreac   [Spain]

    牋牋PANREAC QUIMICA,S.A.was founded wit the aim of Manufacturing Analytical Reagents and pure Chemicals for laboratory and industrial use.After 25 years of activity,the experimented growth,sh...
    Riera de Sant Cugat, 1 E-08110 Montcada i Reixac (Barcelona)

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