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Switzerland Suppliers List

  • SkyePharma AG   [Switzerland]

        We have the ability to solve over 90% of the industry's formulation and delivery challenges by drawing on the broadest-available range of drug delivery technologies, tur...
    Eptingerstrasse 51 CH - 4132 Muttenz Switzerland

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  • Rutten Engineering AG   [Switzerland]

        Rutten Engineering was founded in 1993 by Kurt R黷ten. It is a well established limited company successfully active in the field of equipment for processing, storing, ...
    Sterile Storage Systems Industriestrasse 9 9CH-8712 Stafa, Switzerland

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  • Rutschi Pumpen AG   [Switzerland]

    牋牋R黷schi Fluid Ltd is a producer of high-tech quality pumps with an excellent reputation in the professional market. Products are focused on industrial and chemical applications. It furt...
    Herzogstrasse 11 CH-5200 Brugg Switzerland

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  • Rueger   [Switzerland]

        R蹺GER S.A. was founded in 1942 and offers to a select clientele the most complete range of temperature and pressure measuring instruments in the world.   &...
    Ch. de Mongevon 9 Case Postale 98 CH-1023 CRISSIER 1 Switzerland

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  • Novartis AG      [Switzerland]

    Novartis is a world leader in the research and development of products to protect and improve health and well-being. Novartis was created in 1996 from the merger of the Swiss companies, Cib...
    CH-4002 Basel Switzerland

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  • METOXIT AG   [Switzerland]

        Metoxit AG is a medium-sized Swiss enterprise belonging to AGZ Holding. Metoxit has a staff of about 55 people and operates in the following fields:Orthopaedics; Dental;...
    Emdwiesenstrasse 6 CH- 8240 Thayngen Switzerland

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  • Maag   [Switzerland]

        The Maag Pump Systems Textron AG group was founded by the world renowned Maag Gear-Wheel Company Ltd. develops, manufactures and supplies gear pumps and systems for proc...

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  • Knoll   [Switzerland]

        Knoll Switzerland was founded in 1893 by Dr. Albert Knoll, Hans Knoll and Max Daege. Today the company is a fully owned subsidiary of Abbott Laboratories, USA. With 130 ...
    Knoll AG Oristalstrasse 65 CH-4410 Liestal Switzerland

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