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Switzerland Inorganic chemicals Suppliers List

  • TIMCAL Graphite & Carbon   [Switzerland]

    6743 Bodio, Switzerland, ,

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  • Metalor Technologies Group   [Switzerland]

    Metalor Technologies SA is an international Swiss-based group, with subsidiaries in 17 countries. It is a leading participant in the field of precious metals and advanced materials.
    Metalor Technologies SA Rue des Perveuils 8 CH-2074 Marin, Marin, Marin

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  • MBP Trading SA   [Switzerland]

    Crêt-Taconnet 13, 2000 Neuchatel, Switzerland, ,

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  • Delfino Pharma & Chemie SA   [Switzerland]

    Bahnstrasse 1, Taegerwilen, Thurgau

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  • Chemtrade Aglobis AG   [Switzerland]

    Grienbachstrasse 17 6300 Zug Switzerland, ,

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  • Clariant      [Switzerland]

    Clariant is a global leader in the field of specialty chemicals. Strong business relationships, commitment to outstanding service and wide-ranging application know-how make Clariant a prefe...

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  • Fischer Chemicals AG      [Switzerland]

    Our goal is dedication to quality, competence and innovation. These three principles give a framework and guideline to the employees of FISCHER CHEMICALS AG. They are fundamental contributi...
    Riesbachstrasse 57 8034 Zurich, Switzerland

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  • Sicpa   [Switzerland]

    牋牋SICPA is an international company with its world headquarters in Prilly, sales of 1billion Swiss francs, 3500 employees and a global presence over 5 continents. A global leader in securit...
    CH-1000 Lausanne 16 witzerland

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