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United Kingdom Intermediates Suppliers List

  • Glycosynth   [United Kingdom]

        Glycosynth has been providing solutions for customers wanting high quality chromogenic and fluorogenic enzyme substrates for their diagnostic needs since its inception i...
    Glycosynth Limited., 14 Craven Court , Winwick Quay, Warrington, Cheshire WA2 8QU, UK

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  • Fine & Performance Chemicals   [United Kingdom]

    FPC is a technology-based chemical company - highly experienced in identifying new process routes and production resources to meet the many needs of our customers. A leading UK company, FPC has...
    Fine & Performance Chemicals Ltd., Ellerbeck Way, Stokesley Industrial Park, Stokesley, Middlesbrough TS9 5JZ, UK

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  • Ferguson & Menzies   [United Kingdom]

        Ferguson & Menzies Ltd is a privately owned Scottish company and has been based in Glasgow for over 100 years.     During this time the company etho...
    Ferguson & Menzies Ltd. , 312 Broomloan Road , Glasgow G51 2JW , Scotland, UK.

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  • Avecia   [United Kingdom]

    Avecia is a leading global fine and specialty chemicals company focused on delivering innovative technology and service excellence to customers across a range of high technology industries. Wi...
    International HQ PO Box 42, Hexagon House, Blackley, Manchester M9 8ZS ,UK

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  • ABSCO Ltd      [United Kingdom]

    ABSCO Materials is a joint venture between ABSCO Ltd and Hertford Resources Ltd and brings together over 30 years of experience in the supply of strategic raw materials for industry. B...
    42 Hollands Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, CB9 8SA, United Kingdom

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