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United Kingdom Other Chemicals Suppliers List

  • Comma Oil   [United Kingdom]

        For over thirty years, the Comma brand has been synonymous with quality automotive motor oils, car care chemicals and the excellence of its people.
    Dering Way, Gravesend,Kent,

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  • Colin Stewart Minchem   [United Kingdom]

        Company profile with information on the industrial minerals, inorganic chemicals, desiccants and the physical processing of these materials undertaken by Colin Stewart M...
    Weaver Valley Road Winsford Cheshire

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  • Celtic Chemicals   [United Kingdom]

        Manufacturers and suppliers of a range of metallic salts and oxides for the pharmaceutical, veterinary and industrial chemical industries.
    Celtic Chemicals Ltd.,Gas Works Industrial Estate,Victoria Road, Port Talbot, West Glamorgan

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  • Catal International   [United Kingdom]

        An independent company providing specialist development, production and technology services to the catalytic process industries.
    Catal, PO BOX 507, Sheffield

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  • Capricorn Chemicals   [United Kingdom]

        Flare fluorescent colours have been developed to meet the technical requirements of the paint, printing inks, paper coating, rubber, plastisol and organisol coating, tex...
    Milkmaid House, Rampton End, Willingham,Cambridge,

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  • British Vita   [United Kingdom]

        Our product areas fall into four principal categories, as follows: Cellular Polymer Products, Industrial - Engineering Thermoplastics, Industrial - Solid and Liquid Comp...
    British Vita PLC Middleton Manchester

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  • BPI   [United Kingdom]

        The world' s largest manufacturer of optical tints, chemicals, and intruments.
    One Prospect Way. Rugby. Warwickshire. England

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  • Birmingham Metal   [United Kingdom]

        Birmingham Metal manufactures mechanical precious metal products featuring platinum and gold for scientific, research, glass, analytical measurement and semiconductor in...
    Birmingham Metal Garrison Street Bordesley Birmingham

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