ARMOUR-FORM Suppliers, ARMOUR-FORM Manufacturers.

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Isothane Ltd.


  • Category :
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  • Main Specifications :
    ARMOUR - FORM R is aSuitable for replication and moulding; object replication such as sculptures, rocks, statues, etc. It is possible to replicate any kind of shape, even undercuts and any kind of horizontal or vertical surface. Mould release agent is nec
  • Product description :
    ARMOUR - FORM is processed through specially designed dispensing equipment having accurate metering pumps for the two components. The components should be maintained at 40 - 60篊 and mixed and sprayed by the appropriate gun, on which Isothane technical staff can advise. Cured elastomer to be repaired should be abraded and traces of dust removed. Maximum adhesion will be obtained if the surfaces to be repaired are heated to a minimum of 35篊. Some surfaces will require the use of an Isothane primer.
    To bond ARMOUR - FORM to the substrate, the substrate must be dry and its temperature at least 3篊 above the local dew point. ARMOUR - FORM is hydrophobic so unaffected by damp substrates if it is meant to be non - bonded or demoulded.

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