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United States Catalyst and Auxiliary Suppliers List

  • Eastman Specialty Plastics        [United States]

    Eastman manufactures and markets chemicals, fibers and plastics worldwide. We provide key differentiated coatings, adhesives and specialty plastics products. We're the world's largest produ...
    PO Box 431 Kingsport, TN 37662 USA

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  • E.M. Sergeant Pulp & Chemical Co., Inc.        [United States]

    Since 1867, E.M. SERGEANT PULP & CHEMICAL CO., INC. has been spanning the globe to find the newest and highest quality ingredients. With essential relationships in over 20 countries, SERGEANT c...
    6 Chelsea Road Clifton, NJ 07012

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  • Celanese co.        [United States]

    As a global leader in the chemicals industry, Celanese Corporation makes products essential to everyday living. Our products, found in consumer and industrial applications, are manufactured...
    Celanese Corporation 1601 West LBJ Freeway Dallas, Texas 75234-6034 U.S.A.

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  • Heatbath Corporation        [United States]

    Heatbath Corporation manufactures an extensive line of metal finishing products that range from cleaning and coating processes for initial fabrication to the application of the final functional...
    P.O. Box 51048 107 Front Street Indian Orchard, MA 01151-5048

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  • Matheson Tri-Gas Inc.        [United States]

    In 1926 Matheson Gas Products became the first company to offer a reliable source of high quality scientific gases and equipment. From the start, Matheson asserted its leadership by underst...
    166 Keystone Drive Montgomeryville, PA 18936

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  • DURR MARKETING ASSOCIATES, INC.        [United States]

    On-Time Delivery: A priority. Durr Marketing prides itself on its on-time, in-full delivery performance averaging 97%. Supply performance and carrier performance issues are addressed each m...

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  • Phoenix Equipment Corporation        [United States]

    Phoenix Equipment Corporation is a leading global supplier of quality used plants and process equipment to the chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, food, polymer, fertilizer, refinery, and...
    156 Second Street, PO BOX 29 Perth Amboy, NJ 08862

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  • DF Goldsmith Chemical & Metal Corp        [United States]

    D.F. GOLDSMITH CHEMICAL & METAL CORPORATION inherits a tradition of centuries of involvement with precious metals. The company, currently headquartered at 909 Pitner Avenue in Evanston, Illinoi...

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