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United States Synthetic Rubber Suppliers List

  • Birko Corporation   [United States]

        Since 1953 Birko has been providing the meat, poultry and food industries with the specialty chemicals they need for cleaning. Birko抯 extensive product line, includin...
    9152 Yosemite Street ,Henderson, CO 80640

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  • Bio-Research Products, Inc.   [United States]

        Bio-Research Products, Inc. was founded in 1975 by Bryce A. Cunningham, Ph.D., to meet the needs of diagnostic reagent manufacturers for wheat germ phosphoenolpyruvate c...
    323 West Cherry Street,North Liberty, IA 52317

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  • KRATON Polymers   [United States]

    700 Milam N. Tower, 13th Floor Houston, TX 77002

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  • ALDO PRODUCTS CO., INC.   [United States]


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  • R.E. Carroll, Inc   [United States]

        R. E. CARROLL, INC. is a reliable distributor and re-packager dedicated to maintaining quality at all levels of our organization.     We are incorp...
    570 North Olden Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08638

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  • Amyl Inc.      [United States]

    Amyl Inc. is a privately held corporation. the Patel family who owns the corporation has three generations of involvement into the chemical and pharmaceutical industry on a global basis. Wi...
    13111 Westheimer, Suite 315 || Houston, Texas 77077-5520 USA

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  • ExxonMobil Chemical Company      [United States]

    牋牋ExxonMobil Chemical is one of the largest worldwide petrochemical companies. We are an integrated manufacturer and global marketer of olefins, aromatics, fluids, synthetic rubber, polyeth...
    13501 Katy Freeway Houston, TX 77079-1398, USA

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  • Apex Medical Technologies, Inc.   [United States]

        Apex Medical Technologies, Inc. is a closely held corporation, founded in 1985 for the purpose of developing dip molded medical devices based on advanced polymers with m...
    10064 Mesa Ridge Court Suite 202, San Diego, CA 92121

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