Trappsol?is CTD's registered trade name for all of its current and future Cyclodextrin's. An acronym that follows the word Trappsol tells what Cyclodextrin it is; e.g., Trappsol ACyclodextrin is alpha Cyclodextrin, Trappsol HPB is hydroxypropyl BCyclodextrin; Trappsol RMB is randomly methylated BCyclodextrin; Trappsol DMB is 2, 6 di-o-methyl BCyclodextrin. CTD's catalog designation includes the "T" for Trappsol, so that the catalog # for hydroxypropyl BCyclodextrin is THPB. The acronyms tend to be self explanatory, but the reader may need to check the catalog for some of the more esoteric derivatives, like tetradecasulfated BCyclodextrin (TDSB-the acronym; TTDSB-the catalog#).