Northbrook Container Leasing Inc.
Although Northbrook may be small, we view this as a benefit rather than a shortcoming. By doing away with the bureaucracy of a large company, we are more responsive to new ideas and needs that our customers and suppliers have. Often, large companies will say that they are responsive, but in final analysis, they sell what they have rather than what the customer needs.
The equipment that we propose to provide will respond to our customers' needs and have the flexibility required for use in a secondary market. It is our belief that the initial customer request and the requirement to have equipment that will meet the needs of future customers抋re not mutually exclusive objectives. Through prudent design specifications, both the needs of the user and the requirements of the owner can be served.
As you can see from the various General Specifications Sheets, Northbrook抯 Equipment is designed for the rigors of International and Domestic North American service. We include several features in our tanks that make our tanks "user friendly" while reducing maintenance and repair costs