ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Zircar Zirconia, Inc.
About Us

    牋牋For 26 years ZPI continued to use the "ZIRCAR PROCESS" to make Zirconia fiber materials. During this time ZPI's business grew and other materials and processes became important. In 2000, three ZPI factories were making three distinctly different product lines and were run by six of Bernie H. Hamling's children.

    牋牋On July 1, 2000 ZPI split up into three entirely separate new companies. On that date Zircar Zirconia, Inc. started up. H. Craig Hamling, who had been president of ZPI since 1994 is president of Zircar Zirconia, Inc. Clare Hamling joins him as vice president. Clare had been responsible for quality assurance and inventory control at ZPI.

    牋牋Zircar Zirconia, Inc. employs the original "ZIRCAR PROCESS" method of manufacturing of Yttria stabilized Zirconia fibers, cloths and felts as the basis of its business.

Contact us
Zip Code:
Florida, NY 10921
Zircar Zirconia, Inc. ,PO Box 287 ,87 B Meadow Road ,Florida, NY 10921
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