ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Jodan Technology, Inc
Circuit board coatings Inquire
JT-7130 Description: Screen coatable self-extingui
Adhesives Inquire
FDA-0622 Description :
High elongation coatings Inquire
HE-J7123T Description: Elongation
High temperature adhesives Inquire
HT-H392 Description: Single compon
Photo Catalysts Inquire
New products in the areas of photo initiators, catalysts, and sensitizers are available. If you require custom synthesis of these types of produc...
Scratch resistant coatings Inquire
SR-B1210A Description: Sprayable,
Self-extinguishing coatings Inquire
SE-J7123T Description: Self-exting
Sensitizers Inquire
Silicones silyl ethers Inquire
SI -149D A & B Description: Low viscosity two-part silyl (silicone) system with high elongation and a low modulus. Can cure at room temperature ...
Sprayable coatings Inquire
LV-C8600B Description: Protective
Two-part epoxides Inquire
TP-L6850V Description: Unpigmented
UV-Curable adhesives Inquire
UVE-0109D Description: Medium vis
Wood coatings Inquire
WC-H5830G Description: UV curable sealer and high gloss clear protective coating and sealer for wood products, low viscosity for spraying or bru...
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