ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > Emerging Technologies, Inc.
Superabsorbent Polymers Inquire
Superabsorbent PolymersSuperabsorbent polymers, otherwise known as SAPs, absorbent polymers, absorbent gels, super soakers, super slurpers, or g...ssss
Acrylate Polymers Inquire
CAS NO:9065-11-6;
Acrylate Polymers꜎Ti offers a very broad range of acrylate-base...ssss
Cationic Polymers Inquire
Copolymers of acrylamide and a cationic derivative of acrylic acid manufactured in both solid and liquid forms. Charge densities range from low t...ssss
Coagulating Agents Inquire
High charge density polymers typically based upon polyamines or aluminum derivatives. Allows a slow building of flocs that gives a maximum remov...ssss
Hydroxyethylcellulose Inquire
CAS NO:9004-62-0;   MF:C2H6O2”¤x
Nonionic water-soluble polymer derived from cellulose. Solutions o...ssss
Composites Inquire
Airlaid structures with basis weights from 100600 gsm. If required for desired absorbent performance, superabsorbent content may vary from 560%.ssss
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