ChemNet > Gold Suppliers > 3M Fire Protection Products
Cast-in Devices Inquire
Our cast-in devices are line of intumescent devices that are installed to firestop combustible and non-combustible pipe penetrations through conc...ssss
Composite Sheets Inquire
Intumescent sheet used to firestop large openings in fire-rated construction, created by cables and pipes.ssss
Endothermic Intumescent Mats Inquire
Our mats block heat penetration by chemically absorbing heat energy to protect structural steel, cable trays and circuits in conduits.ssss
Endothermic Mats Inquire
An endothermic protective wrap when exposed to high temperatures keeps heat out by releasing chemically bound water to cool the outer surface us...ssss
Intumescent Mats Inquire
Intumescent firestop mat used in firestopping of construction joints and cable tray fire breaks. Available with or without aluminum or stainless...ssss
Foams Inquire
Printer-friendly format Foams RTV foam (two-part, liquid-silicone elastomer). Good for complex through-penetration applications. Re-enterable/re...ssss
Mortar Inquire
Lightweight cementitious firestop with excellent adhesion. Bonds to concrete, metals, wood, plastic and cable jacketing.ssss
Pillows Inquire
Our pillows intumesces (expands) and locks itself into place, completely surrounding the penetrant(s) stopping smoke, fire and toxic gases from s...ssss
Plastic Pipe Devices Inquire
Devices used to firestop plastic pipe through penetrations.ssss
Putty Inquire
A firestop putty used to prevent the spread of fire, smoke, toxic fumes and moisture for up to four hours.ssss
Sprays Inquire
A firestop spray used to prevent the spread of fire, smoke, toxic fumes and moisture for up to four hours. Their elastomeric properties make them...ssss
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