Chem Group, Inc.
FULL SERVICE PETROCHEMICAL PROCESSING CHEM Group provides a wide range of quality, custom toll re-refining, distillation and specialty petrochemical processing services. All facilities utilize state-of-the-art wiped film evaporation and column distillation equipment for the high vacuum, high temperature separation of heat sensitive natural and synthetic fluids, as well as the distillation and production of virgin products. Computerized flow control of all materials provides 100% accountability on all batch processing. By recovering value from virgin by-product streams and recycling chemicals, CHEM Group greatly reduces both new material and disposal costs, and in many cases dramatically reduces operating expenses. We also have the ability to develop additional leading edge technologies to cost effectively manage new and existing streams. CHEM Group also offers product and by-product brokerage capabilities, which may create even greater value in an existing stream. Back To Top
"A TO Z" STREAM MANAGEMENT The CHEM Group technical staff includes experienced and knowledgeable chemists, chemical engineers, technicians and corporate environmental health and safety managers. Our sales personnel take pride in providing the attentive customer service necessary for high quality, total project management. We offer a variety of analytical and recycling waste management services, technical support and specialized equipment. Our experienced and qualified technicians and state-of-the art laboratory facility ensure that all materials are processed to your exact specifications. Each project is managed by a chemical engineer, and our processed products often exceed new product specifications. Back To Top