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About Us
    TR International, Inc. TRInternational has well established relationships worldwide for the prompt and efficient sourcing of raw materials. We are able to provide product from multiple origins allowing our customers the freedom to choose the best product to meet specific needs. TRInternational Inc. stocks and warehouses raw materials in USA, Asia and Europe. In 2003, TRInternational, Inc. was once again named to the CPI Top 100 Chemicals Distributors List (USA). In 1998, TRInternational, Inc. became a fully-compliant member of the National Association of Chemical Distributors' (NACD) RDP program. TRI's president, Anthony Ridnell has served on the board of directors of this organization and just finished his two year term as Western Region President. We have two branch offices, Chicago, IL and Southampton, NJ . Our total number of employees is 15 and our sales for 2003 was over $23,000,000. We are looking forward to a great 2004 and continued growth. We thank all of our customers and suppliers for their support and growth. As a customer driven company, it is our goal to provide the best and most cost effective product available anywhere in the world. TRInternational is your Global Chemical Source.
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1218 Third Ave, 2100 Seattle Tower Seattle, WA 98101
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