Ethox Chemicals, LLC
Ethox Chemicals is located in Donaldson Industrial Park, Greenville, South Carolina, on a 24-acre site. Along with three affiliates, Piedmont Chemical, Fibre Chemicals, and Dooley Chemicals, Ethox provides a broad range of technology and equipment.
PHILOSOPHY Since it's formation in 1968, Ethox Chemicals has served industry with quality products and service. The concept of specialized service to each customer has proven successful over the years, and it is the concept that Ethox strives to maintain.
Ethox is ready to help solve your particular problem. If specialized products are required, Ethox will be happy to discuss production on a custom basis.
THE ETHOX STAFF The Ethox staff consists of highly trained and experienced professionals capable of handling your product needs as well as participating in your process development. The production staff is extremely adept at implementing new processes into production.
QUALITY Ethox has a fully implemented SQC program. Ethox has been audited by major corporations and received top ratings as a supplier. Ethox is dedicated to supplying its customers with quality products with each and every shipment.