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   ChemNet > CAS > 24937-06-2 Poly(oxycarbonyloxy-1,6-hexanediyl)

24937-06-2 Poly(oxycarbonyloxy-1,6-hexanediyl)

Nom Poly(oxycarbonyloxy-1,6-hexanediyl)
Nom anglais Poly(oxycarbonyloxy-1,6-hexanediyl);Poly(oxycarbonyloxyhexamethylene)(8CI); 1,6-Dibromohexane-potassium carbonate copolymer, SRU; 1,6-Hexanediolpolycarbonate, SRU; 1,6-Hexanediol-dimethyl carbonate copolymer, sru; 1,6-Hexanediol-phosgene copolymer, SRU; 1,6-Hexanediol-phosgene polymer, SRU; Carbon dioxide-1,6-hexanediol copolymer, SRU; Carbonic acid-1,6-hexanediolcopolymer, SRU; Carbonic acid-1,6-hexanediol polymer, SRU; Carbonicacid-hexanediol copolymer diol, SRU; DN 980; DN 981; Desmophen 2020E; DesmophenC 2200; Diethyl carbonate-1,6-hexanediol copolymer, sru; Diethylcarbonate-1,6-hexanediol polymer, SRU; Dimethyl carbonate-1,6-hexanediolcopolymer, SRU; Diphenyl carbonate-1,6-hexanediol copolymer, SRU; Duracarb 120; Duracarb 122; Eternacoll UH-CARB 200; HG-PCD 3000; Hexanediol polycarbonate; KM10-1733; N 980; N 981; Nippollan 980; Nippollan 980N; Nippollan 980R; Nippollan981; PC 1000; PC 1000 (polycarbonate); PC 2000; PC 2000 (polycarbonate); PC210; PCD-H 1500; PCD-N 980R; PCDL-T 6002; Permanol KM 10-1122; Permanol KM10-1733; Poly(hexamethylene carbonate); Poly-CD 210; Ravecarb 102; Ravecarb105; Ravecarb 106; T 4672; T 6002; UH-CARB 200; UH-CARB 300; UH-Carb 100
Formule moléculaire (C7H12O3)n
Numéro de registre CAS 24937-06-2
Structure moléculaire 24937-06-2 Poly(oxycarbonyloxy-1,6-hexanediyl)
Les symboles de danger
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Description de sécurité