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Sodium hydroxide

About Sodium hydroxide

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Sodium hydroxide

Product Name:

Sodium hydroxide


Caustic soda; lye, caustic; sodium hydrate; soda lye; white caustic; caustic soda flakes; flake caustic; caustic soda solid; caustic soda pearls; solid caustic soda; Liquid Caustic Soda; Food Additives Sodium Hydroxide; Caustic soda flake; Solid Sodium hydroxide; Caustic  Soda; Sodium  Hydrate; Liquid CS



EINECS: 215-185-5
Molecular Weight: 41.0045
Molecular Formula: NaOH
Melting Point(℃): 318℃
Boiling Point(℃): 100°C at 760 mmHg
Water Solubility: SOLUBLE
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R35;     Details
Safety Description:
 S24/25;S37/39;S45; Details
Sodium hydroxide

Sodium hydroxide Suppliers > Europe Sodium hydroxide Suppliers

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Chance and Hunt   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 01928 793000
Fax: 01928 714351
Web Site: svc/serv01131085

Kuzey Kimya   Enquiry for Sodium Hydroxide

Address: Other products:
Telephone: 0090 216 461 28 80
Fax: 0090 216 523 66 21
Web Site: www.kuzey.com.trsvc/serv01231308

AP Chemicals NV   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Eiermarkt 13-15-17 2000 Antwerp Belgium, , Other products:

Potassium hydroxid...

Paraffin wax

Sodium hydroxide

Aluminum sulfate

Isopropyl acetate

Telephone: +32 3 201 6220
Fax: +32 3 201 6230
Web Site: www.apchemicals.besvc38633

Altrans Liquids Ltd   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: GL11 5AD United Kingdom, , Other products:

Calcium chloride d...

Acetic acid glacia...

Calcium hypochlori...

Sodium thiosulfate

Sodium bisulfate

Telephone: 01453 544940
Web Site: svc39088

AUXICOLOR S.A.   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Poligono Industrial Sta. Margarita, , Other products:

Solvent Blue 5

Solvent Blue 122

Solvent Violet 13

Solvent Red 8

Orange G

Telephone: (00.34) 937 839 144
Fax: (00.34)937312699
Web Site: www.auxicolor.essvc39115

Brenntag GmbH   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Stinnes-Platz 1 45472 Mülheim an der Ruhr, , Other products:

Glycolic acid

Fumaric acid

Formic acid


Ethyl 3-ethoxyprop...

Telephone: +49 (0)208 7828 0
Fax: +49 (0)208 7828 698
Web Site: www.brenntag-gmbh.desvc39879

Biesterfeld Nederland B.V.   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: PO BOX 41 NL 2400 AA Alphen a/d Rijn, , Other products:

Cellulose microcry...


Sodium hydroxide

Telephone: +31 (0) 172 483666
Fax: +31 (0) 172 483651
Web Site: www.biesterfeld.nlsvc39883

Bertil Born Enterprises   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Oxford London, , Other products:

Sodium tripolyphos...


Formic acid

Aluminum sulfate


Telephone: 44-020-32898389
Web Site: svc39997

Bayegan Group   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Kozyata?? - ?stanbul / TüRK?YE, , Other products:

Titanium dioxide

Stearic acid

Sodium hydroxide

Trisodium citrate ...

Phosphoric acid

Telephone: +90 216 9992600
Fax: 902163738519
Web Site: www.bayegan.net/en/iletisim.phpsvc40071

Chemical factory lime GmbH   Enquiry for Sodium hydroxide

Address: Olpener Stra?e 9 - 13 51103 K?ln Deutschland, , Other products:

Zinc oxide

Sodium dithionite

Sodium hydroxide

Manganese sulphate

Calcium hydrogenph...

Telephone: +49 221 8296 1 J126
Fax: +49 221 8296 420
Web Site: www.cfk-gmbh.desvc40605
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