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Acid Rhodamine B

About Acid Rhodamine B

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Acid Rhodamine B

Product Name:

Acid Rhodamine B


C.I.Acid Red 52



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Molecular Formula: C27H29O7N2S2Na
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Acid Rhodamine B Suppliers

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Baoding Shunda Dyestuff Chemical Factory   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: Jiangcheng Road, Baoding City, Hebei, China Other products:

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Zip: 071051
Telephone: +86-312-3204248,13903329003
Fax: +86-312-3204248
Web Site: www.sddyes.comhg/bj16437

Hangzhou Xiasa Hengsheng (Sunshine) Chemical Co., Ltd.   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: NO.169,JING 4 SUB ROAD, HANGZHOU T/E DEVELOPMENT ZONE 310018 Other products:

Acid Fast Yellow G

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Zip: 310018
Telephone: 86-571-86923500
Fax: 86-571-86923500
Web Site: www.hsdye.comhg/hz16770

Chemco International   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 20, Gr. Fl. Prabhadevi Indl. Estate,408, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi,Mumbai - 400 025 (INDIA) Other products:

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Telephone: +91-22-56548894
Fax: +91-22-56548896
Web Site: www.chemcoindia.comhg/cus9796

The Chemco Group   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 20, Gr. Fl. Prabhadevi Indl. Estate,408, Veer Savarkar Marg, Prabhadevi,Mumbai - 400 025 (INDIA) Other products:

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Telephone: +91-22-5654 8894/95
Fax: +91-22-5654 8896
Web Site: www.chemcoindia.comhg/cus19327

Vipul Dye Chem   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 102, Andheri Ind. Estate, Off. Veera Desai Road.Andheri (W), Mumbai (Bombay) 400 053. INDIA. Other products:
Telephone: (+91-22) 2673 0304, 2673 0764, 2673 0572, 2342 8704, 2343 6142
Fax: (+91-22) 5691 6312, 2342 1198.
Web Site: www.vipuldyes.comsvc/serv0028925

Karsandas Mavji   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 203, Rangwala Apartments,Opp. Bank Of India,M. G. Road,Ghatkopar (West),Mumbai - 400 086. Other products:
Telephone: +91- 22- 5153220,+91- 22- 5153301,+91- 22- 5144649
Fax: +91- 22- 5147758
Web Site: www.karsandasmavji.comsvc/serv0029779

Textile Colour and Chemical   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 104 / 208, Shefali Centre Near Paldi Char Rasta,Ahmedabad - 380 006.Gujarat INDIA Other products:
Telephone: + 91 - 79 - 6575821 / 6579520
Fax: + 91 - 79 - 6578483 / 5321994
Web Site: www.textilecolour.comsvc/serv00217329

Galaxy Colchem Pvt., Ltd   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 44, Calico Nagar, Narol,Ahmedabad - 382 405 Gujarat, India Other products:
Telephone: +91-79-25715001,25715002,25715003
Fax: +91-79-25715004
Web Site: www.galaxycol.comsvc/serv00217384

MONALISA CHEMICALS   Enquiry for Acid Rhodamine B

Address: 302, Radha Mukund, Bhausaheb Parab Road, Kandarpada, Dahisar (W), Mumbai 400 068, INDIA. Other products:
Zip: 400 068
Telephone: +91 22 2891 1187
Fax: 91 22 2892 7861
Web Site: www.monalisachemicals.com/svc/serv02723473
Total 9 Suppliers,Showing1--9 1