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Product Name:

Zinc oxide


C.I. 77947; C.I. Pigment White 4; zincoxideheavy; flowers of zinc; zinc white; active zinc oxide; zinkoxyd aktiv; zinci oxidum; activox; activox b; actox14; zine oxide; zine white; zincoxide; actox16; actox216; ai3-00277; akro-zincbar85; akro-zincbar90; amalox; azo22; azo-33; azo-55; azo-55tt; azo-66; azo-66tt; ZNO; oxozinc; zinc oxygen(-2) anion



EINECS: 215-222-5
Molecular Weight: 81.4084
Molecular Formula: ZnO
Melting Point(℃): 1975℃
Water Solubility: 1.6 mg/L (29℃)
Hazard Symbols:
Risk Codes:
 R50/53;     Details
Safety Description:
 S60;S61; Details

Zinc oxide Suppliers

  Select to   Inquire Now

Zinchem Pty. Ltd.   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: P. O. Box 6645, Dunswart Other products:
Telephone: 27-11-746 5000
Fax: 27-11-746 5050
Web Site: www.zinchem.co.zasvc/serv00826028

Peter Whiting (Chemicals) ltd.   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 1 Oil Mill Lane, Hammersmith, London W6 9UA Other products:
Telephone: 020 8741 4025
Fax: 020 8741 1737
Web Site: www.whiting-chemicals.co.uksvc/serv01026194

Carboline Company   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 350 Hanley Industrial Court, St. Louis Other products:
Telephone: 314-644-1000
Fax: 314-644-4617
Web Site: www.carboline.comsvc/serv00826237

Marmara Kimya   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Bati Mah. Ankara Cad. Yargiclar 莍kmazi Yayla Apt. A blok No:1 Kat:2 D:4 Pendik/ISTANBUL Other products:
Telephone: 90-212-6641374
Fax: 90-212-5823664
Web Site: www.marmara-kimya.comsvc/serv01026248

Plater Chemicals Ltd.   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: Alrewas House, Main Street, Alrewas, Burton on Trent, Staffs Other products:
Telephone: 44-1283-792600
Fax: 44-1283-792041
Web Site: www.platerchem.comsvc/serv00826251

Heterochem (Dist) Ltd   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Unit 49 Baldoyle Industrial Estate Baldoyle Dublin 13 Ireland Other products:
Telephone: +353-1-8393127
Fax: +353-1-8325746
Web Site: www.heterochem.comsvc/serv01026292

CESTISA   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: Bail 43, pral08010 BARCELONA (SPAIN) Other products:
Telephone: (34) 93-265-22-64
Fax: (34) 93-265-49-94
Web Site: www.cestisa.comsvc/serv01026319

Horsehead Industries Inc.   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: 110 East 59th Street, Suite 34 Other products:
Telephone: 1-212-527-3000
Fax: 1-212-527-3008
Web Site: www.horseheadinc.comsvc/serv00826354

Ferris Chemicals Limited   Enquiry for Zinc Oxide

Address: 1216 Sand Cove Road Saint John, NB Other products:
Zip: E2M 5V8
Telephone: 506-672-2709
Fax: 506-674-1062
Web Site: www.ferrischemicals.comsvc/serv01026367

Metacol Limited Zinc Oxide Industries   Enquiry for Zinc oxide

Address: Miguel Socias # 85 Other products:
Telephone: 56-2-5572963
Fax: 56-2-5571575
Web Site: www.metacol.clsvc/serv00826372
Total 512 Suppliers,Showing301--310 << 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 >>