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Barium sulfate

About Barium sulfate

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Barium sulfate

Product Name:

Barium sulfate


C.I. 77120; C.I. Pigment White 21; Barite; Bariumsulfate,precipitated; Bariumsulfate; bariumsulfuricum; barium sulphate PRECIPITATED; Blanc fixe; barium sulfuricum; Baryte; Barytes; Barium sulphate; pricipitated Barium sulphate



EINECS: 231-784-4
Molecular Weight: 233.3907
Molecular Formula: BaSO4
Melting Point(℃): 1580℃
Water Solubility: 0.0022 g/L (50℃)
Hazard Symbols:
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Safety Description:
 S24/25; Details
Barium sulfate

Barium sulfate Suppliers

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Colin Stewart Minchem   Enquiry for Barytes

Address: Weaver Valley Road Winsford Cheshire Other products:
Zip: CW7 3BU
Telephone: +44 01606 868200
Fax: +44 01606 868268
Web Site: www.csminchem.comsvc/serv0419990

GS KOREA CORP.   Enquiry for Barium sulphate

Address: 98-38, Chungpa-Dong, Yongsan-Ku, Seoul Other products:
Telephone: 027137010
Fax: 027130799
Web Site: svc/serv02410189

R.E. Carroll, Inc   Enquiry for Barium Sulfate

Address: 570 North Olden Avenue, Trenton, New Jersey 08638 Other products:
Telephone: (609) 695-6211
Fax: (609) 695-0102
Web Site: www.recarroll.comsvc/serv05610443

Ronas Chemicals Ind., Ltd.   Enquiry for BARIUM SULFATE

Address: 3F No. 3, Alley 6, Lane 329, Sec. 1, Tun Hua South Rd.Taipei, Taiwan Other products:
Telephone: 886-2-85091839
Fax: 886-2-23258985
Web Site: www.ronasgroup.comsvc/serv05610471

Whittaker, Clark and Daniels, Inc.   Enquiry for Barium Sulfate

Address: 1000 Coolidge St. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Other products:
Telephone: 908 561-6100/800 732-0562
Fax: 800 253-5041
Web Site: www.wcdinc.comsvc/serv02110704

Vesta Intracon bv   Enquiry for Barium Sulphate

Address: Grote Kerkplein 2a 8011 PK ZWOLLE Other products:
Telephone: +31 38 4222577
Fax: +31 38 4222566
Web Site: svc/serv01710840

KOLTEX COLOR, s.r.o.   Enquiry for barium sulphate

Address: Přemyslova 686, 295 01 Mnichovo , Hradi歵ěm, CZECH REPUBLIC Other products:
Telephone: +420.326772032
Fax: +420.326771119
Web Site: www.koltex.czsvc/serv03710886

Donetsk Chemical Reagents Plant   Enquiry for Barium sulfate

Address: 1, Umova Street, Donetsk, Ukraine, 83008 Other products:
Telephone: +38 (0622) 534 029; 535 388; 530 102
Fax: +38 (0622) 534 029; 535 388; 530 102
Web Site: www.dcrp.donetsk.uasvc/serv00210899

Elementis Pigments   Enquiry for Barytes

Address: Birtley, Chester-le-Street Co. Durham Other products:
Zip: DH3 1QX
Telephone: +44 (0) 191 410 2361
Fax: +44 (0) 191 410 6005
Web Site: svc/serv04110954

Excalibar Minerals Inc.   Enquiry for barium sulfate

Address: Excalibar Minerals Inc. 15425 North Freeway, Suite 370 Houston, Texas 77090 Other products:
Telephone: 281-872-4539 / 800-945-5293
Fax: 281-872-8421/281-872-9074
Web Site: www.excalibar.comsvc/serv01710963
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